Seniors: We know that fall is an incredibly busy time, but don’t let your high school activities and “to do” list distract you from preparing for your exciting next step!


e are some steps you can take to make the most of your senior year fall:

1. Go on campus visits: It’s not too late! You should plan on touring all schools to which you have submitted applications (if the school is on your application list, you should be serious about it), and you can tour them after you’ve submitted your application. Take the time to learn more about the schools so you will be ready when decision time comes!
2. Attend college fairs and admissions reps visits: These presentations are your opportunity to learn more about the schools and to connect with school representatives. Be sure to chat with the admissions reps and start that relationship. More on that under our free resources -> demonstrated interest.
3. Request recommendations: Request your recommendations early and provide an information sheet/resume for your teachers and counselors. Once your counselor and/or teacher has completed the recommendation, write him/her a handwritten thank you note.
4. Complete your applications: Do your research and start early!
To learn more, contact us today!

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